Drive decisions down deep into your organization
Creating a framework to drive decisions down deep into your organization is one of the most important factors in your transformation.
For the companies that take the “L” on transformational success — decisions about products and services, in many cases, follow the path of long decision cycle times. In these cases, product teams need to weave through a myriad of company hierarchy.
Your transformational teams are full of handpicked superstars that your company has charged with creating the next evolution of the company. These superstars have been given the impossible task of distilling hundreds of hours of research, work, and nuanced conversation into the dreaded PowerPoint deck. From hundreds of hours of work they are faced with explaining to multiple governance tables the decisions made.
The multiple layers of governance tables each have their own take and additions to the decisions — which either dilute the original direction or outright change it.
Governance Framework
Imagine a governance framework that has no overlap. Based on very distinct decision authority and accountability decisions can be made at a level and pace that is both appropriate and efficient.
This creates an environment that cultivates speed as the right decisions are made by the right people. The people closest to your customer and to front line staff are setting the direction for your transformation.
When you pick the best people — your superstars, to lead your transformation, you entrust and give them the accountability to make these decisions. In addition, it’s not only about the decision itself — remember, these people are your future leaders and will own the outcome of the transformation. These leaders, need to not only own the success of these decisions but the failures as well.
Course correcting decisions
Not every decision is going to be a winner. Not every product or service is going to be met with customer excitement or meet customer needs. This is the importance of driving decisions deep into the organization.
When decisions don’t create the desired outcome, the cross-functional team can jump into action to course correct. The failure can been solved quickly without the complexity of upward governance. This builds the iteration and velocity needed to drive your transformation forward.